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The Haven: Cat Castles Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

We used the Cat Castles in our 12 cat adoption room kennels. Each cat was given a Cat Castle. The Cat Castles were also used as carriers for new cat owners to take their new friends home.

The Cat Castles helped provide extra room for our cats and an enclosed space where our cats could hide out and feel safe. They also helped separate their litter box from their food and water station, helping to create a cleaner environment for the cats. The Cat Castles also provided carriers to new adopters to take their adopted cats home safely.

How many pets did this grant help?

Since receiving the Cat Castles, approximately 85 cats have come in and been adopted our from our cat adoption room. Each of these cats has used a Cat Castle.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Mr. Pounce-a-Lot was a 2-year-old domestic short hair that had been in our shelter for several months. He was very reclusive and introverted. After being moved into a kennel with a Cat Castle he began to feel much more secure and slowly opened up to everyone in the shelter. This helped him get adopted!

Further Reading