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Rotten Rottie Rescue: COVID-19 Operation Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

We used it for vaccines, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, eye drops, ear drops and ear wash, Apoquel for joint pain, and allergy medicine.

Well, they are disease-free, pain-free and itch-free, they have clean ears and their eyes are not goopy!! In general, they are a lot healthier and happier.

How many pets did this grant help?

Something for just about everyone, but Red, Sparky, Rambo, Misty, Vader, Charlie

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Vader came to us a mess. His eyes were so infected that he could barely open them. He was missing a lot of his coat and he was miserable because he itched all over. He had little strength in his hind legs. The Petfinder Foundation helped us get the medication that Vader needed to make a complete recovery. Once he was happy in his skin, he blossomed into a very cool dog who was very grateful for everything that he received. He loves kids, other dogs, and cats and could not be better behaved. He quickly found his forever home 🙂

Further Reading