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Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue: Emergency Medical Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

The money received from the Emergency Grant from the Petfinder Foundation was used to provide costly eye surgery to relieve the pain that Mickey, a recently rescued blind 8-year-old, was suffering. Mickey need to undergo enucleation surgery.

Due to the generosity of the Petfinder Foundation in helping with the cost of Mickey's surgery, the financial burden for caring for Mickey was lessened. SGRR would not turn its back on Mickey and could provide the care he needed to life a pain-free life.

How many pets did this grant help?

This grant helped one of our recently rescued dogs, Mickey, receive the medical care he needed. Mickey had enucleation surgery and is now living a pain-free life and has been adopted.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Mickey was a recently rescued 8-year-old dog who was blind. Once he was in the care of SGRR, it was determined that Mickey was living with severe pain from his eyes. For Mickey to live a pain-free life, he would need to undergo enucleation surgery. Because of the generosity of a Petfinder Foundation grant, Mickey received that surgery and is now living with his bonded brother in an adoptive home. A very special family was found for Mickey and Magic. Thank you, Petfinder Foundation!

Further Reading