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Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest: A Shot at Life Vaccination Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

In April 2013 we received 25 Duramune Adult 3 vaccinations shipped from Boehringer Ingelheim. These were short-dated vaccines and were to expire in a month. I immediately delivered them to the rescue's animal hospital, Midwest Animal Hospital in Orland Park, Illinois. They are a large animal hospital that not only helps rescues with our organization but many other breed rescues and shelters in the area.

Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest is a breed-specific rescue group and does not have a facility, but fosters our rescues in our homes. Many rescues arrive already having received a distemper vaccination. We were only able to utilize three of the vaccinations for our wire fox terriers, as the short date was so close; however, the animal hospital used the remainder vaccinations for the influx of dogs that were arriving from other rescues and shelters. The Midwest was experiencing severe storms, tornadoes and flooding and a lot of dogs were incoming and being rescued. Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest was happy to be able to help other stray and homeless rescue dogs by gifting the vaccinations we had received as a generous grant.

How many pets did this grant help?

Three within Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest and 22 rescue dogs with area shelters and rescues who partner with us and Midwest Animal Hospital

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Chumley was relinquished by the son of his owner, who had to enter a nursing home. He was extremely overweight due to diet of unhealthy people food, sugary treats and lack of exercise. The family also did not take him to the vet for care since 2011. The weight needed to come off for his health, breathing, heart and joints. Chumley was put on a grain-free low-calorie dog food, received daily walks and exercise and progressed on the road to fit and trim. He was able to benefit from the Adult 3 but was also a frequent visitor to Midwest Animal Hospital for his bi-weekly water treadmill therapy. Chumley loved to go and see all the people and the other dogs at the vet and greet many of the dogs who were able to benefit from the vaccinations. He is a happy boy with a kind heart who loves to receive affection. Chumley enjoyed giving back the love to the homeless dogs who were able to benefit from the short-date vaccinations with him.

Further Reading