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PAWS Humane Society: KONG Toys Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

The KONG toys were used for the dogs in foster care.

This helped with the separation anxiety by helping keep the dogs busy. We filled the KONG toys with peanut butter and other yummy treats. It keeps them occupied while fosters are at work. It has also helped cut back on the destructive chewing.

How many pets did this grant help?

Eight so far, it will continue to help more as we get new dogs in.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Romeo had two knee surgeries and was confined to his crate a lot as his activity was restricted to heal. He was a bit kennel crazy from being in there so much. The KONG toys gave him an activity to occupy his time. He became less depressed and destructive. The picture attached in the cast is Romeo. I couldn’t get one with the KONG; he wouldn’t cooperate. The second pic is of Hooch saying, “Where’s my Kong mommy?”

Further Reading