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Max's Hope Pet Rescue: Emergency Medical Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

The $300 grant was used to remove a tumor from Penny's abdomen that was the size of a baseball and to correct dental issues that came from years of poor nutrition. As a senior, Penny had probably never had a dental before and her teeth were in bad shape. She also suffered from hair loss and skin irritation from fleas.

This grant has offered Penny a new chance to be able to run and play without the irritation of the tumor and she is once again able to eat dry dog food.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Penny Ann came to us after her mom was placed in a nursing home. She had hair loss and skin irritation due to a flea infestation; a huge tumor on her abdomen; and horrible teeth. At 10 years old, she deserved a chance at a loving home for her senior years. The surgery to remove the tumor was successful and, thank goodness, it was benign. After an extensive dental, she was once again able to enjoy dry dog food because, for the first time in a long time, she was able to chew without pain. Her hair started to grow back and her skin cleared up. She spent some time in a foster home with a lady who owns a boarding/grooming facility. She got to come to work with her foster mom and play with the other dogs and even got some pampering in the grooming room. She was also chosen to visit the Cornell Memory Center, a day-care facility for elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia (second photo). She loved all the attention and the clients loved her. In April, Penny Ann finally met her forever mom and, after an emotional meeting, she went home to live her senior years with her mom (third photo).

Further Reading