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Animal Aid for Vermilion Area: Disaster Response and Recovery Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

Vetting for an injured animal. Pet supplies including cat litter, cat food, and litter boxes. Medical supplies including wormer and vaccinations.

This grant provided much-needed supplies during this time of disaster. It also provided vetting to an injured animal.

How many pets did this grant help?

About 55 pets

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Buffy was surrendered to [an open-admission] shelter after her owner was cited for animal hoarding and unsafe living conditions when authorities were contacted to perform a flood-damage assessment on the home. While it was not the best home for Buffy, it was the only thing she knew. She was very scared and unsure in the shelter environment.

To make matters worse, the recent massive flooding in Louisiana has caused snakes to seek shelter everywhere, and shelter workers didn’t see the snake lurking in the long grass near the outdoor kennels. While in the outside kennel, hiding in a corner away from the chaos, Buffy was bitten by a snake on her front paw. When the volunteer made his way to Buffy, he noticed she was favoring the paw and not putting any pressure on it. By the end of her volunteer interaction session, Buffy’s paw was very swollen and the swelling was traveling up her leg.

The volunteer agreed to foster her and rushed her to the emergency clinic half an hour away. Once the doctors had examined her, they determined it was from a snake bite. A few hours in the ER and Buffy was as good as new. Buffy, being the awesome dog that she is, was adopted within hours of her first appearance at PetSmart. Her family is madly in love with her!

Further Reading