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Town and Country Humane Society: Kia Pet Adoption Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

Thanks to Kia, we were able to offset or forgive entirely the adoption fees for 71 pets. During this economically challenging year, our adoption rates slowed, and this grant was a blessing that helped us pick up our adoptions and find homes for more needy animals. Although it took us longer to use the funds than planned, we have now completely expended the funds. We are eternally grateful to you for making this year an exceptional one for so many adopters. THANK YOU, Kia and the Petfinder Foundation!

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Town and Country Humane Society had 100+ kittens at one time during the fall, about twice the normal population for us. Kitten season just never quit this year. We were able to do a “buy one, get one free” campaign and send eight home pairs of kittens, including several hard-to-place black kittens.

Ink and Rorschach got to go home together. Additionally, we had a couple of special-needs animals, a blind cat named Biscuit and a crippled cat named Frankie, who also used grant funds to offset their adoption fees, speeding up their arrival into permanent, loving homes.

A sweet older girl, Little Debbie, was chosen as a companion for an elderly lady on a fixed income. Two old girls living happily ever after!

Conway was a returnee. He is a Catahoula hound, and it can be challenging to find the right owner for this energetic breed. With grant funds, we found him a young jogger and a perfect home.

Finally, our pitties are always hard to place and stay longer than the rest, for no good reason. We found someone who agrees with us and wanted to take Cybil home. The grant helped Cybil shorten her stay at the shelter, for sure.

Further Reading