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Maddie & Friends: A Shot at Life Vaccination Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

Thank you Boehringer Ingelheim, Petfinder and The Animal Rescue Site for awarding the FVRCP vaccinations to Maddie & Friends. The vaccines were used, and continue to be used as we intake kittens - they all receive their first shot on arrival, if old enough, and they receive their booster if they haven't been adopted by the time the shot is due. We are a small organization so only half of the vaccines are used to date (10/27/13) but the rest will be used as needed.

This grant greatly benefitted our organization. We are a small non profit and depend of the public for donations. Not having to purchase vaccines allowed the money that would have been spent to be used for our main mission. Our main goal at Maddie & Friends is to reduce the number of animals euthanized by offering spay/neuter clinics. We hold monthly low cost clinics for the public - funds that would have been used to purchase vaccines were at a recent spay/neuter clinic.

How many pets did this grant help?

Directly, to date, the vaccines helped 100 cats, the remaining vaccines will help additional cats as needed. Indirectly it helped 9 other cat receive spay/neuter surgery, which includes shots.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

The four kittens pictured in the first photo were tossed out in a wooded area in Mid October in Salem County, NJ – I received a call that someone had spotted them so went to look. I actually met the couple there so they could point me in the right direction. There were six kittens dumped, the couple decided to take two as pets with them. The remaining four were brought home and are currently being held for adoption. They were immediately treated for parasites and given vaccines, using vaccines provided through the grant. From left, are Georgie (female), Levi, Ace and Dutch. They had a rough start in life, being dumped in the woods, but now are looking forward to a life with a loving family.

The second picture is of a Salem City Police Officer holding a kitten. This officer happened to be on the corner while a group of school children passed. He heard a kitten cry, and asked the child to stop and open his back pack. Inside was a newborn kitten – eyes still closed. The kitten was brought to Maddie & Friends and bottle fed until ready to be adopted. The kitten was named after Officer Smith, who is often called “Smitty.” The kitten was named Smitty, and on this day, the officer came to see how the kitten he saved had grown. Little Smitty also received a vaccine which was part of the grant. He is now living with his forever family.

Further Reading