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Humane Society of Port Jervis/Deerpark: P.L.A.Y. Pet Beds Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

P.L.A.Y. pet beds were used to improve quality of life/provide comfort and warmth for shelter dogs and cats.

The grant came at a much-needed time, especially for our shelter pets. The extreme cold this winter, coupled with an aging, poorly insulated facility, made it difficult to keep our dogs and cats warm and comfortable on the concrete or stainless steel floors of their kennels. P.L.A.Y.’s Chill Pads were the perfect remedy, providing both warmth and cushioning.

How many pets did this grant help?

The pet beds were used by about 20 dogs and cats initially, but their size makes them easily washable and our shelter continues to use them as new dogs arrive.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Britney (first photo), a medium-sized pit bull terrier mix, was terrified when she arrived at the shelter. She spent the first few days huddled in the back of her kennel, not eating or greeting anyone. The shelter director started bringing her into her office during the day, where Britney cuddled up on her P.L.A.Y. Chill Pad under the desk. Britney has made great strides in the few weeks she’s been at the shelter. She’s now eating, going for walks with volunteers and greets new people with a cautious wag of her tail. And she still spends her days happily curled up under the desk on her Chill Pad!

Snoopy (second photo) and Lola (third photo) enjoyed their beds while at the shelter. Both have since been adopted.

The P.L.A.Y. Chill Pads turned out to be a gift that kept on giving. After seeing a news article and photo released by the shelter about the grant, a local business, Mr. & Ms. Cigar in Milford, PA (fourth photo), donated $1,000 in cash to further the cause of keeping shelter pets warm.

Further Reading