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Miller's Cause Animal Rescue, Inc.: Bar Dog Operation Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

Having these funds helped us provide veterinary care for the dogs in our care. Not only was it helpful for initial vetting when bringing in a new dog to the program, but we had a dog who has been in our care for several months suddenly develop bladder stones, so the grant money helped provide for his vet visits as well as the specialty prescription food he now requires. We also used the money to purchase food for the remaining dogs in our program.

How many pets did this grant help?

15 in some capacity

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Ryder has been in our program for seven months now. He suddenly developed a urinary blockage, which required emergency surgery and further testing. He now requires specialty prescription food to reduce the likelihood of developing bladder stones in the future. He is still waiting for his forever home.

You can meet Ryder here.

Further Reading