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Frisco Humane Society: A Shot at Life Vaccination Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

vaccinate cats in our foster homes

vaccinated 50 homeless cats - we appreciate the help!

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Sugarland is now living happy in her forever home.

Whisper – Not long ago I was rescued from a local kill shelter where I had come to understand that being at the top of the euthanasia list wasn’t the highest honor a shelter resident could achieve! Thankfully, I am living in a my new family and having good food and a cozy bed.

Keegan – I’m loving life with my new friend in my new home.

Walter Croncat – Was rescued from a feral colony. He it totally awesome and reports he loves his new family.

Further Reading