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One Love Animal Rescue and Sanctuary: Kia Pet Adoption Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

This grant allowed us to offer fee-reduced adoptions and got a few of our wonderful but harder-to-adopt kitties placed. This opened up more space at the rescue for us to take in more kitties in need.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Angel (first and second photos), who was born with one eye, has found an amazing, loving home with a longtime One Love volunteer who embraces his unique looks and loves him so much. She had been eyeing Angel for a long time, and this grant gave her the confidence to move forward and make the adoption official! Of course it was decided that Angel needed a friend, so a few weeks after Angel came home, little Sherlock (third photo), now Baby, joined the family too (fourth photo).

Sucre (fifth photo), now named Sedona in her new home), had a meet and greet scheduled with a wonderful family, but before the meet took place, they found and adopted another kitty from another organization who stole their hearts and they wanted to back out on Sucre. This grant opportunity made them willing to take Sucre as a friend for their newly adopted little kitten and the two of them have been so happy ever since.

We are so happy for these three perfect kitties and believe this wouldn’t have been possible without grant opportunities like this one from the Petfinder Foundation and Kia, so we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. Rescue work is hard and it takes a village, but seeing happy forever stories like these makes it all worth it.

Further Reading