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Happy Cats Haven: Emergency Medical Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

Emergency dental care for a cat named Lala.

This grant helped us recover the cost of an unexpected emergency dental procedure that Lala needed, as he arrived with severe stomatitis and needed 20 teeth extracted.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Lala arrived at our shelter with such bad stomatitis that his gums were extremely red and bleeding. He was clearly in a lot of pain, so we immediately got him evaluated by our veterinary partner. The vet noted that Lala was in need of a massive emergency dental resulting in a total of 20 teeth being extracted. Lala was immediately out of pain and showing his true, happy-go-lucky self and quickly won over everyone he met. He is now happily in a home with his best buddy and litter mate, Tinkie Winkie!

Further Reading