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Binky On! Rabbit Rescue, Inc.: Emergency Medical Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

The money was used to pay for the treatment of a rabbit who was abused and neglected.

Gypsy came into our organization on July 18. She had several large abscesses on her chest and on two toes, which we later found out were broken. In addition, she had bronchitis and had just weened seven kits. The owner surrendered her to us for treatment and we immediately made her an appointment at Westend Animal Hospital. Gypsy had not been treated at any medical center previous to our care. We depleted our funds for her care (the roof on our facility needed to be fixed and we had to cancel the repairs due to her bills). Since her intake, she went to the vet multiple times for various surgeries because her wounds were not healing properly.

This grant helped us continue to provide for the care of other rabbits in our facility through food, hay, bedding, and housing. The stress of managing a shelter can be intense when such huge medical bills arise.

How many pets did this grant help?

One specific rabbit; however, we have 70 in our facility.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Gypsy was unfortunately used to breed and was bred every month due to her unusual coloring. She was ripped away from her kits when they turned 7 weeks old and sold to another breeder, who realized she had something wrong with her. We were contacted about her and brought her in immediately. She was originally thought to have a severe infection and abscesses. After x-rays, it was determined that she had three toes that were infected from being broken and that she had possible mammary cancer, which could be treated by her being spayed. However, upon further investigation, and in her final surgery, the vet confirmed that her cancer had spread to her chest cavity. We made the unfortunate decision to end her suffering.

Further Reading