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The Boring Safe Haven Society: P.L.A.Y. Pet Beds Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

This grant helped the pets in our care by providing them fresh and cozy beds to lounge and sleep on. The pets in our care generally receive blankets for bedding, but having an actual bed with padding provides a much more comforting environment for them to relax.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

This grant helped Zeus (first photo), one of the cats who had been in our care for roughly four months.

He was found abandoned, outside with his littermates, and was the last one to be adopted. He was one of the young cats who enjoyed having a new bed the most. Since he really liked snuggling with some of the other cats in our care, this enabled the other cats to lie on the bed with him and nap.

He has since been adopted to a very loving home.

Further Reading