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Father John's Animal House: Kia Pet Adoption Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

Thanks to the support from the Kia grant, we were able to reduce the adoption cost for several of our older residents. As you know, adoption of young animals is hard. To find homes for our seniors can be near impossible. The people with the largest hearts often have the smallest pocketbooks. We were able to apply the grant monies to reduce our adoption fees and finally get some of our seniors and special-needs seniors out of the shelter and into loving homes.

How many pets did this grant help?

We were able to reduce and eliminate costs for five older animals -- pets with special needs and those with low curb appeal when folks come to adopt.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Sparkie is an incredibly sweet cat who needed a special home! He has been through a lot in his life, as you may be able to tell.

Sparkie is about 6 years old, and sadly grew up in a home of neglect. There were quite a few cats in the home, all unvetted, which is why he has some issues with his eyes.

Thanks to the Kia grant, we were able to get him surgery on his eyes. He is still having problems finding his litterbox, but with his adoption fee paid for by the Petfinder Foundation, we were able to find the perfect owner who can accommodate his special needs (first photo).

Sparkie now greats his new owner with a loving chirp every morning. This good boy is now safe, loved, and cared for, all thanks to the Petfinder Foundation Kia grant.

Further Reading